The journey with a backpack, authenticity & selfcare

Zaterdag 07 september 2019

4 years ago I went on the journey with only a backpack! Sold the yogastudio, car and give up my house! Didn't know what to expect, I just follow the calling who was scary and liberating at the same time. I made the decision first and then everything felt into place! I still don't know how to describe this amazing journey! Slowly I learned to be more true to myself! Out of my comfortzone and nothing is familiair. On a deeper level I learned that I can trust on myself.

In all of us is so much wisdom if we take time to listen, holding space for ourselves, allow all parts to be acknowledge and seen. From a non judgemental and compassionate space. The more we can soften and being curious to what is going on in our bodies, mind and heart, the more intimate and honest we can become with what is! To find that bridge between body and mind, the conscious and subconscious. The breathe who holds space for all! We are born with a naturel connection with ourselves. We lost that connection and start doubting ourselves!

The most generous journey is to come back home by yourself! To allow yourself to be authentic, taking care of yourself and holding boundaries! To being honest were you have a tendency to abandon yourself! And when you reclaim yourself to take care of all the uncomfortable feelings who come with that! Like feeling guilt or loneliness for not pleasing anymore, not carry others emotions, speaking your truth, taking care of your needs! Old patterns are shifting, that is scary and excited at the same time!

Devi Amma told me "never compromise your beauty" from the story of Parvati. That is what I am learning everyday!

Oh and the joy and connection with all the places I have been and people I have met! The have become part of me! Of who I am today! So grateful for this!

Teaching yoga again is for me more about holding space so that people can find there own wisdom and beauty from within.

Jay Guru Dev